Dog Daughter Genre confused cuties come together from Texas, Alaska and the PNW to make Dog Daughter. With a blend of alternative, punk, doom, and country we’ve created a unique experience for you to feel just as comfortably confused as we are.
Lê Almeida (Brazil) "The Brazilian answer to Robert Pollard, and part-time suitcase-fixer, who dominates the local indiepop scene. Each second [is] packed with fuzzy guitars, psych swirls, and more than a few melodies that lodge themselves in every cranny of your brain." - The Guardian
Reverse Death "Exploring the cosmic countryside between american-primitive and impressionism, Reverse Death slows down time on their moss laden debut, ‘Stretching to Infinity’. The group brings together garden hymnal oddments, and nocturnal lo-fi textures, to create a moonlit world of echoes bubbling up through a mineral rich past." - PsychededlicBaby Mag
8:30pm DOORS//9:00pm SHOW